Gores Metropoulos II Reveals 96% Redemptions on Sonder Deal

Gores Metropoulos II

A week after completing its merger with hospitality company Sonder, Gores Metropoulos II in an 8-K filing disclosed that stockholders redeemed 96% of the SPAC’s outstanding shares ahead of the vote.

The SPAC said $435.5 million in shares were redeemed. Gores Metropoulos II raised $450 million in a January 2021 IPO.

The parties in October lowered the enterprise value of the deal to $1.925 billion from the initial $2.2 billion.

A $200 million PIPE and a non-binding term sheet for Delayed Draw Notes of $220 million with existing PIPE investors — as well as $110 million in additional capital from affiliates of Gores Metropoulos II and other investors — apparently salvaged the deal. The SPAC’s trust was left with $16.5 million following redemptions, according to the filing.

The redemptions were the largest ever for any SPAC managed by blank-check veterans Dean Metropoulos and Alec Gores. Read more.

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